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Seeds Innovation Cultivating the Synergy that Fosters New Ideas

Show simple item record Tiruhungwa, R.M 2025-02-28T13:04:55Z 2025-02-28T13:04:55Z 2007
dc.description Book Review en_US
dc.description.abstract One of the many dimensions along which a lucid difference can be observed between any two persons is the extent of the gap that exists between one's 'actions-in-the-head' and his 'actions-on-the-ground'. Yet, it is this very dimension that helps to underline one key similarity among people. All human beings do have 'actions in their heads' (ideas) and, at least, do translate some of these ideas into action ('actions-on-the-ground'). It is the gap, referred to above, that makes the difference. How many ideas does one have 'in the head' at any time, and how many of these (ideas) are actually put into practice? It is not the number or type of ideas, but the actions thereof which bring forth 'innovation'. en_US
dc.publisher Prentice- Hall (Pvt), India en_US
dc.subject Seed innovation en_US
dc.subject Cultivating en_US
dc.subject New ideas en_US
dc.subject Synergy en_US
dc.subject Human beings en_US
dc.title Seeds Innovation Cultivating the Synergy that Fosters New Ideas en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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