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Practical Placement Report on Library Services for Women’s Affairs Information and Documentation Centre

Show simple item record Maro, Rose 2024-01-05T07:22:09Z 2024-01-05T07:22:09Z 1991
dc.description.abstract This project was conducted in response to need that came from my department as one of the major courses taken in Diploma in Librarianship and Information Studies. Friday was chosen as a day for this practical placemnt and the project srated from October 1990 to March 1991. While the project points to the areas of concer with respect tp speial libraries. My is set on Women’s Affiars Information and documemtation Centre in Botswana. Mrs. Carol Manyemeny, a libraruy assistsnt was respnsbile for my practical plcaement. The Women’s Affiars Information and documemtation Centre in Botswana is still young and therefore does not have enoigh pubished materials to rely on for its information. As s result of tehis, I had to rely very much on inyerviews in order t obtain the ceneccay information. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Botswana, en_US
dc.subject Documentation en_US
dc.subject Information en_US
dc.subject Library en_US
dc.subject Services en_US
dc.subject Affairs en_US
dc.title Practical Placement Report on Library Services for Women’s Affairs Information and Documentation Centre en_US

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