This study presents the findings on the contribution of women's income generating activities (IGAs) to
the household income in Hai District. The overall objective of the study was to assess the extent to which
women's IGAs contributed to household income. The specific objectives were: To identify the socioeconomic characteristics of women traders in Hai district, to examine the types of income generating
activities (IGAs) undertaken by women in Hai District, to assess the level of contribution of women
income generating activities (IGAs) to the household income in Hai District and to examine factors
affecting Income Generating Activities (IGAs) towards rural household income. The study adopted
cross-sectional research design where structured questionnaire using open and closed ended
questionnaire was used to collect primary information from a sample size of 110 respondents. Data
analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program version 20.0.
Descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies and percentage were computed. Chi-square and t-test
statistics were applied to find out relationship between variables. The study identified that selling of
farm related activities that involved agricultural products such selling vegetables, bananas, potatoes,
cassava and fruits were the most economic activities undertaken by women in the study area. The study
also identified access to credit lack of entrepreneurial skills, technology and location of business premise
as the major constraints for development of IGAs undertaken by women in the study area.