The focus of this study was to assess the implementation of the Co-operative Reform and
Modernization Programme (CRMP) in Babati District, Manyara Region. This was prompted
by the fact that the programme was being implemented in an environment that was, to a large
extent, affected by sad stories of co-operative movement failures in the past.
The specific objectives of this study were to:
i) Establish the financial status of co-operative societies before and after the
commencement of the Cooperative Reform and Modernization Programme in the
study area;
ii) Evaluate the quality of services currently offered by cooperative societies to the
aspired services in the CRMP document;
iii) Assess how co-operative societies overcame competitive challenges;
iv) Describing the co-perative societies’ operational capacity;
v) Describing the economic integration in co-operative societies;
vi) Assessing the co-perative governance, accountability and members’ empowerment;
vii) Examining the challenges threatening the functioning of co-operative societies
including the influence of trade liberalisation;
viii) Examining the challenges hampering effective implementation of the CRMP and
suggesting ways of overcoming them.