This dissertation is a study of the right to equal in the EAC and the URT as regards labour migrants. It
centres on the principles of equal treatment and non-descriminatin in the conext of the right to free
movement of workers. It is stated, in chapter one that the immigration, employment and labour laws of the
URT are restrictive and discriminary defeating principle and curtailing free movement of labour
guaranteed by the Protocal for the EAC Common Market. Chapter two analyses intrenational instrumets
on right to equal treatment annd non-descriination of labour migrants. From the analysis, it is found that
these principles are universally accepted norms. The legal frameork on equal treatment of workers at the
EAC and URT is analysed on chapter three. Though the EAC Treaty and Protocal provide for the right,
yet, there are flaws on migration procedures defeating its realisation. Similalry, the study condcuted in
the URT reveals labour, immigration and social security laws as a hindrance to realizing right to equal
treatment and the free movement of workers. This is on access to employment and some terms thereto.
Chapter four is a case study of the applicability of the right to equal treatment and non-discrimination in
the EU Internal Market. The analyss made in the chapter is meant to cater as a lesson to the EAC and URT.
The EU leagl protection on the migrant workers is advanced in this respect. It is conluded, in chapter five
that laws at the EAC and URT have provisions deafeting the realisation of the right t equal treatment and
free movement of workers. Seveal recommendations are thus mdade to that respect.