This study assessed challenges facing home-based care for people living with HIV/AIDS. The study
specifically aimed to determine the contribution made by the community for the home-based care in
supporting the people living with HIV/AIDS. It also examined factors hindering the operation for home based care in their working environment and identify mechanisms which can help to overcome
challenges facing community home based care. The study employed cross-sectional research design.
The study used purposive and snowball as sampling techniques. Questionnaire, interview guide and
observation were used as tolls for data collection. The sample size of 50 respondents was employed in
this study. The findings show that most of the respondents (72%) indicated that, training and education
is the main mechanism to overcome challenges facing community home based care for HIV/AIDS
positives. The majority of the respondents (68%) pointed out that, poor community participation was
the major factor that hinders the smooth operation of home-based care to HIV/AIDS patients. The
findings show that provision of training was supported by the 54% of the total respondents and 24% of
respondents proposed giving hope and courage to patients. It is recommended that, the major
stakeholders - the government, local community and religious organizations to step up their support,
for further development of community home based care for HIV/AIDS