Population growth and expansion of higher learning institutions unemployment of university
graduates is a major socio- economic problem in Tanzania. This study discusses on the influence of
entrepreneurial education on self-employment among university graduates focus in Moshi
Municipality. The overall objective of the study was to examine the influence of entrepreneurial
education on self-employment among university graduates. The specific objectives were: To
examine the intention of university graduates on self-employment, to assess the influence of formal
entrepreneurship education on self-employment and to examine the influence of demographic
factors on graduates’ entrepreneurial entry decisions. The study adopted cross section research
design, where structured questionnaire using open and closed ended questionnaire was used to
collect primary information from a sample size of 92 respondents. The study used descriptive and
regression in analyzing data. The findings revealed that students were positive in their perception
towards self-employment, quality of the programmes teaching methods and number of years
schooling significant influence self-employment. The regression analysis tested p < 0.05 showed
that social economic variables such as Age, sex, family entrepreneur, income, capital. marital status,
quality curriculum and formal entrepreneur education have significantly influence self-employment
and entrepreneur entry after graduation. Also graduate 'have job preferences in government or
private employment and majority of students who don't have short- term self-employment plan in
the foreseeable future aner graduation focus on entrepreneurship. Therefore, the study recommends
that universities graduate should focus practically on development of competencies related to
entrepreneurship rather than found themselves in field without practical and general understanding.