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Reflection on Cooperatives, Transformation and Role of Archives in Tanzania

Show simple item record Rwekaza, Gratian Cronery 2024-12-27T06:13:30Z 2024-12-27T06:13:30Z 2018
dc.description.abstract Cooperative development in Tanzania took different forms and scenario, cooperatives in that country has long history as from 1920's. That divide cooperative into two major categories, one being colonial cooperatives that was mostly agriculture cooperatives aiming to feed the colonial economies, and secondly the post independence cooperatives which was basically officialised model of cooperatives, basically they were established by the state and the community to fit in the readily established and directed structures. The promoted and developed cooperative mostly has remained not documented, their either going to lose their history for cooperative information or lose the track from their historical trend on cooperative business and to create a gape the new generation will not capture. The paper aimed at evaluating the scenario which shows the elements that becomes the root source for the loss of cooperative information for developing of cooperative archive. It will also develop strategies that can be used to have some documents available for archival development basing on Tanzania experience en_US
dc.publisher Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU) en_US
dc.subject Cooperative Archives en_US
dc.subject Cooperative Development en_US
dc.subject Cooperative transformation en_US
dc.subject Archival development en_US
dc.subject Tanzania en_US
dc.title Reflection on Cooperatives, Transformation and Role of Archives in Tanzania en_US
dc.title.alternative Co-operative Transformation in Tanzania and Absence of Co-operative Roots en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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