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Assessment of Success Factors for Area Cooperative Enterprises Affiliated to Uganda Cooperative Alliance

Show simple item record Bwalya, Richard 2024-11-15T14:01:59Z 2024-11-15T14:01:59Z 2010
dc.description Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) (2010) en_US
dc.description.abstract With most governments in Africa withdrawing from providing services to the agricultural sector due to Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPS), and also the consequent breakdown of the government supported cooperatives, farmers have been striving to provide for themselves the services they obtained from the government with varying levels of success. In Uganda, one way in which farmers have achieved this is through Area Cooperative Enterprises (ACE). This paper is an assessment of factors influencing the success of ACES affiliated to Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA). The study was carried out in 2005. Pair-wise rankings of product, organizational, financial and logistical related factors show that value addition, number of trainings attended, good product prices and availability of transport were ranked highest in terms of contribution towards the group's success in their respective categories. Regression analysis showed that group size and amount of equity contributions were positively related to gross value of business volumes while number of years that ACE has been in operation was negatively related to gross value of business volumes. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS) en_US
dc.subject Co-operative en_US
dc.subject Enterprises en_US
dc.subject Uganda en_US
dc.title Assessment of Success Factors for Area Cooperative Enterprises Affiliated to Uganda Cooperative Alliance en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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